Monday, September 24, 2012

Tag Was Featured in the Globe Gazette!

MASON CITY — Tag checked out those sitting in the audience and he made eye contact with one.
You could almost see the light go on in his eyes: It was time to meet the group.
One by one, Tag, a 4-year-old yellow Labrador, greeted each person — sniffing hands, looking into faces — attending the talk by his owner, Staff Sgt. Dianne Raymond of the Iowa Army National Guard, also a volunteer for the Des Moines-based group, Paws and Effect.
Raymond was on hand to talk about the program’s efforts at the annual Fall Festival Fundraiser for the Humane Society of North Iowa held Sunday at the Mason City National Guard Armory.
Raymond is a puppy-raiser for the program and the owner of Tag, who came through the program. Tag at one time was a service dog for a man with multiple sclerosis but had to withdraw when he showed signs of claustrophobia.
Today, Tag is a “facility dog” who spends his days with Raymond at her job as Medical Services Board non-commissioned officer at Camp Dodge in Johnston. Tag is also a bit of a publicity hound — literally — for the organization.
The group trains leader dogs largely for the military veterans coping with permanent disabilities, as well as the hearing-impaired and autistic children.
After they are raised to 18 months, dogs spend two weeks with a handler before being matched with a veteran, she said.
“It’s interesting to see all those dogs pick their owners — they go right to a veteran and sit down right in front of them,” she said.
Tag is so in tune with Raymond, a diabetic, that he can sense when her blood sugar is dropping.
“He begins to run in circles, every time,” she said. “It was awhile before even I knew what he was doing.”
The dogs provide a valuable service, from opening doors and retrieving items to “putting themselves between their master and danger,” she said.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Fall Festival Dog Agility - 2012

A trip to the big city.

Paws & Effect service dogs are vetted with a trip to the Big Apple. Our puppy raisers and their dogs travel New York City and experience the sights and sounds of a big city, public transportation and civil aviation all in one round trip.

We applaud Ava, Sabre, and Pace for all they have done and will do to "Serve with Honor".

All personal items must be stowed under the seat in front of you.

No one said keep your nose clear of the isle.

Putting a smile on the faces of those that are serving our country with honor.

Catching a ride on the subway.

Quarker - Paws & Effect Fundraiser

Thank you Quaker for fundraising for Paws & Effect! We appreciate your efforts and those that benefit from our programs will be extremely grateful.

Your Valor and Enable volunteers have made a tremendous difference.

PS - I can't stop eating the Cinnamon and Brown Sugar Popcorn.

Fall Festival dog agility.

We all new it would be a great weekend of dog agility being held at Camp Dodge in Johnston, Iowa. The weather was spectacular and the military was hard at work.

Our competition was honored with the salute of gun fire and adorned with the sounds of black hawk helicopters in flight.

 To all that competed, we agreed that it truly was an honor to be amongst our military and all those that have served us and protected our FREEDOM.

Thanks to our volunteers and participants alike. We thank you for a successful weekend!