Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Just never know ...
Never know what you'll run into at the mall, now do you? Keeper, a Paws & Effect service dogran into Ryan (a friend). It was none too soon as the crowds intensity was nearly overwhelming for Ryan.
Applause to the family who was hosting Keeper over the holidays. Without hesitation they took to the mall. What a great time of year to get public exposure, like none other, for the service dogs in training.
Monday, December 20, 2010
We Serve With Honor PSAs

Kudos to everybody who participated in this effort! We feel strongly that our dogs be trained and handled in a manner that demonstrates sincere respect for their care, every step of the way.
It shows!
Stay posted for the early-Spring release of these great PSAs.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Roo Roo Roo
Found footage of Mr. Roo, a Paws & Effect service puppy getting himself stuck on the outdoor table. What goes up must come down? In this case, Mr. Roo wanted help down.
Monday, December 13, 2010
They're only little once!

And they're oh-so-cute when out and about in public. Here's Michelle and her service dog in-training, Valor.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
This IS what it's all about!

I'd say that smile says it ALL!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
Dewey - Our first Cat (Pet Partner)

We are extremely pleased to announce this weekends evaluations we're successful.
We must toss out a HUGE BIG Thank You to St. Luke's Hospital in Cedar Rapids for graciously opening up their facility. Without their generosity we would struggle to make such great things happen in the Animal Assisted Therapy (AAA/AAT) world.
We are also SO PROUD of our newest Delta Society Evaluator. She did a spectacular job in shadowing the evaluations and even taking the lead on the scoring as the days evaluations progressed.
And for the Finale, we have our first ever cat Pet Parnter. Dewey was a treat to evaluate and can expect great things from him (remember it's always about the Pet Partner). Chris, you did a fantastic job with the evaluation.
Thanks to everyone and look forward to seeing you make a difference in someone's life.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
I'm often asked if we follow-up

Today, the following texts were exchanged with the sailor with whom Gabor is placed:
"be proud of Gabor. he and i went to a movie last night by ourselves. it was fun"
"I'm proud of YOU. Hugs and kisses to Gabor!"
"i will tell Gabor as soon as he takes a break from his new bone. he eats them, but they are the only thing i have found that lasts more then 10 minutes. thanks for the kudos.
"Send photos! I miss having his silly mug around."
Ask and you shall receive!
Apparently, texting me wasn't enough. I received an email on December 9, 2010 sharing this:
Humble Gratitude
I am very gratefully to all of Gabor's puppy trainers. He gets a lot of attention when we are out and about. His calmness is a stand out. Both kids and adults comment on his obedience and appearance. I take him to our local Pet-Smart for grooming once a month. Words I am getting accustom to hearing include; what a beautiful dog !, how well trained he is (I never take credit for this except to say I have great friends in the field of training service animals), and of course the most popular words are "may I pet him?" We go to ---------- Naval Base for groceries a lot. As to be expected there are a lot of young (pre-school) children there. Most mothers are good enough to help me by explaining to their children and husbands that Gabor is working and not to interrupt him. Yet this still gives me an opportunity to engage in short conversations (which is way beyond anything I have done since getting out of the service in '75). I thank them for their understanding and am looking forward to a time when I can let the kids pet him. I figure it will be another 3 to 6 months before I can be confident in my relationship with Gabor and his willingness to keep his attention on me so that kids petting him will not be such a distraction. I see progress every week ! Taking all of this into consideration it is I who am grateful to you for the training and care given to Gabor. He has made a tremendous and welcome chance in my life. Kudos to all the people who helped in his upbringing. By the way I should mention Gabor wants to be a lap dog ! |
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Agility Fun Match

Agility Fun M atch — Sunday — January 2, 2011
NADAC-Style Courses — Unsanctioned — Open to All Breeds
Come and give it a try, learn what NADAC is all about!
Download the premium HERE.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
What service dogs do when it is too cold and early...

to get out of bed. Duly noted, Fiyero now resides with SSG Raymond, who has Guard this weekend. She was out of bed at 0500. Fi wasn't. Not even close.
We're in The Iowan!

If you're heading to the grocery or book store, check out the November/December 2010 issue of The Iowan. We are featured in a two page spread titled Canine Confidence that features the literacy program in which our therapy dog teams participate. It is another fantastic story.
If you'd prefer, feel free to email me and I can send you a .pdf!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
"We Serve with Honor" PSAs teaser.
Paws & Effect has embarked on a mission to deploy service dogs to Iowa Veterans.
To kick off this venture we brought in 7 special operations officers - otherwise known as service puppies in training - who will be raised and trained by puppy raisers around the state.
This video teaser are some of the behind the scenes images and video from our four days of filming. Stay tuned to local channels near you for the final public service announcements to launch very soon.
To kick off this venture we brought in 7 special operations officers - otherwise known as service puppies in training - who will be raised and trained by puppy raisers around the state.
This video teaser are some of the behind the scenes images and video from our four days of filming. Stay tuned to local channels near you for the final public service announcements to launch very soon.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Congratulations Paws & Effect!
We'd kept the fact that we applied to become a Delta Society Affiliate under wraps because we didn't want to jinx the outcome. Consider this a rather significant, long awaited, very exciting announcement:
To say that we're proud of the designation is an understatement. To be recognized as one of the few programs that are of the quality and consistency necessary to receive this honor is just that: an honor.
I hope this brings as big a sense of satisfaction to you as it has me.
Paws & Effect is a Delta Society Affiliate Program
To say that we're proud of the designation is an understatement. To be recognized as one of the few programs that are of the quality and consistency necessary to receive this honor is just that: an honor.
I hope this brings as big a sense of satisfaction to you as it has me.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
A day in the city and American Idiot
Started the day off at The Grey Dog Cafe in Chelsea.

Proud of The Grey Dog Cafe, so much so that he wanted to pose in front of their sign.

We were served dog paw designed coffee art lattes. How appropriate.

Fiyero played in a city style dog park. He stayed away from the bully Boston Terrier.

Then Fiyero was asked to leave the ToysRUs store. They have a difficult time understanding the ADA let alone understand that he's a service dog.

And now Fiyero can recommend American Idiot on Broadway. As a matter of fact he says "it's a Wicked performance."

Proud of The Grey Dog Cafe, so much so that he wanted to pose in front of their sign.

We were served dog paw designed coffee art lattes. How appropriate.

Fiyero played in a city style dog park. He stayed away from the bully Boston Terrier.

Then Fiyero was asked to leave the ToysRUs store. They have a difficult time understanding the ADA let alone understand that he's a service dog.

And now Fiyero can recommend American Idiot on Broadway. As a matter of fact he says "it's a Wicked performance."
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Interesting perspective
So this is what it's like from above. As we in the process of running the Fall Festival agility trial we heard a buzz over head. Yes, the judge did walk over and kindly ask the gentlemen not to fly the remote control airplane above the trialing area for fear of distracting the dogs but the attached video is the result of the fly over. It is an interesting perspective.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
On the Boardwalk!

Keeper's been traveling and, I hear tell, doing exceptionally well. No problem at all with the casinos in Atlantic City, no problem traveling on planes, no problem with crowds. He's growing up to be a fantastic dog!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Hero Shot

You know it when you've got it. The hero shot. The one shot that brings a tear to your eye and you know it states the purpose of the campaign.
We got that shot on the second to last day of filming.
While the shot is slightly composed from behind the scenes the live footage inside the frame tells the story.
We look forward to sharing it with everyone very soon.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
PSA filming complete.
Time to "Pop Smoke". A military term for wrapping it up and getting out of here.
The final shot of the day on Day 2. Set #? (Who really knows. By the time we wrapped up for the day we'd stopped counting)
We have completed our 4 day journey into filming PSAs for our We Serve with Honor litter of puppies.
The film crew spent the time at 5 locations setting up and shooting numerous sets.

Produce area of HyVee in Windsor Heights. Set 1 Day 2

Canned food isle of the HyVee in Windsor Heights.
Randy you and your HyVee crew were the greatest people to work with!

Blackhawk set on location at Camp Dodge. Set 3 Day 2
Thanks to the airmen and soldiers that patiently waited for us to get the set "just right".

Meet the stars of the show. The dogs! Roggen, Velo. Oh, and the soldiers worked the set like pro's.
The final shot of the day on Day 2. Set #? (Who really knows. By the time we wrapped up for the day we'd stopped counting)
Thursday, October 14, 2010
On the set.
On the set for one scene of Paws & Effect's Public Service announcements. We are raising awareness about our "We Serve with Honor" litter. These dogs are being trained for mobility work and PTSD assistance and will be placed with Iowa Veterans.
Velo was the star of the show.

Velo was the star of the show.

Monday, October 11, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Who was on WHO radio?
Paws & Effect who that's who.

We are always willing to talk and it isn't often that chance to push the airways a little bit. In an effort to spread the word about our upcoming litter of service puppies and our We Serve with Honor program as well as get the word out that Paws & Effect is in Iowa's back yard. We jumped at the chance to record an interview with Breakfast with Bekah on WHO radio Saturday evening. And to add to all the excitement Major Amy Price with the US Army, Todd Cerveris - actor, dancer, and now director of the public service announcement project all participated in the discussion along side Nicole Shumate - Executive Director of Paws & Effect.
Listen in! Click here.
Jake (Jake-o-Lantern) wanted to thank Todd for doing a great job in the interview.

We are always willing to talk and it isn't often that chance to push the airways a little bit. In an effort to spread the word about our upcoming litter of service puppies and our We Serve with Honor program as well as get the word out that Paws & Effect is in Iowa's back yard. We jumped at the chance to record an interview with Breakfast with Bekah on WHO radio Saturday evening. And to add to all the excitement Major Amy Price with the US Army, Todd Cerveris - actor, dancer, and now director of the public service announcement project all participated in the discussion along side Nicole Shumate - Executive Director of Paws & Effect.
Listen in! Click here.
Jake (Jake-o-Lantern) wanted to thank Todd for doing a great job in the interview.

Sunday, October 3, 2010
Paws & Effect's Fall Festival Dog Agility
There was no getting away from the storm system on the Saturday of Paws & Effect's Fall Festival dog agility competition. The pouring rain let up every half hour or so, enough of a break to run a course or two. We (everyone attending) endured the day.
Sunday came and brought some of the most spectacular fall weather.
Sunday came and brought some of the most spectacular fall weather.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
They say that a dog knows.

That, when being placed, they often take immediately to their new circumstances, often working immediately for the person to whom they are assigned. I had my doubts about Gabor, especially in that I was the one placing him. He's loved me and only me from the get go. He was amenable to living with others, yet he was nuts for me, no matter what I did. I used to tease that he LOVED me and I loved him, too, but not in the bold, capital, italicized way he seemed to feel about me. Gabor was a dog that screamed bloody murder in New York about being left overnight with a friend, a dog that would leap to new heights as soon as he realized I was in the room, a dog that drove everybody at Canine Craze nuts with his squeals as soon as he heard my car in the parking lot.
Gabor also turned his back on me the day he was placed, never looking back.
They say that a dog knows. And now I've been witness to that knowledge.
Friday, October 1, 2010
A video from ChildServe
An excerpt from the most recent promotional video for ChildServe. We are extremely proud to be working with the children at ChildServe, ChildServe and the Pet Partner volunteers that make this program a huge success.
Click here for the complete video.
Click here for the complete video.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Gabor! He comes from behind and finishes first!
Well. He's doing very, very well. In fact, one could argue that he's doing fantastic!
Service Dog Gabor was a handful in the beginning (and the middle and the end.) He was vocal, he was demanding, he was energetic. He was a whole lot for one family to handle. And I speak from experience, he was mine for the first ten weeks. However, each of those traits, those difficult-to-manage features has made for a very, very successful placement.
Gabor now resides with a Navy veteran. After handing him over, Gabor only wavered once. The day after placement Gabor expressed his excitement in seeing me at a local coffee shop and then nearly immediately settled in to work. No divided loyalty there, a surprising fact considering his fondness for me.
What defines success? On Day One, Gabor was excellent about keeping an eye on the man he now lives with. Up at 1? So was Gabor. 1:15? Yup, Gabor was up. 1:30? No problem at all. The best part? Gabor woke his handler at 6 to remind him to take his meds (oh, and to put food in the dog bowl as well....) Day Two, Gabor escorted us to get frozen fruit drinks at the local base. The key: in order to get the drinks, you have to tolerate the sounds of the bowling alley, sounds that eerily replicate what one might hear in battle. No problem for handler and dog. In fact, handler was beaming with excitement! He'd been wanting one of those fancy frozen drinks for years....but couldn't tolerate those bowling alley sounds. Day Three: to the vet to get a clean bill of health. And a hosted steak dinner at his new home, where Gabor promptly ignored me (good, good dog!) Day Four, off to the VA and the Exchange and good-byes.
We continue to hear from the man who received Gabor. Gabor's energy level, consistency, manners and nature have made a for a near perfect placement!
Job well done! And a HUGE, HUGE thanks to each of you who contributed to this success.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Gobblins, Witches and stuff
Why do we get our service dogs out in public? You never know what might be lurking just around the corner or on the end isle at the department store!
This is a good example of exposure to those very weird and scary things. I personally can't handle flying monkeys quite yet.
Best be getting myself to the store for some desensitization.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Fall Festival 2010 Premium
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Ingersoll Live
Velo, Pixel, and Tag all worked the Ingersoll Animal Hospital booth at the "Ingersoll Live" event. They (of course) were the highlight for many. They got more petting than a service puppy requires but they worked the crowd for donations and selling Paws & Effect and Guerilladog t-shirts.

Friday, August 20, 2010
Roo - Obedience.mp4
First three steps for Roo.
Step 1) Spin.
Step 2) Back up.
Step 3) Go to place - go to a specific place. Roo is a stellar student of the trade. Service dog trade that is.
Besides all of that he is a really cute boy.
Step 1) Spin.
Step 2) Back up.
Step 3) Go to place - go to a specific place. Roo is a stellar student of the trade. Service dog trade that is.
Besides all of that he is a really cute boy.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Thanks to Lincoln Center Theater and the cast of South Pacific!

Paws & Effect was very fortunate to have two tickets to South Pacific and a backstage tour donated to help us fundraise to place Tag. Todd Cerveris, Tag's puppy raiser (and Morton Wise in South Pacific), coordinated a wonderful experience for the winning bidder. Thanks to everyone involved!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Pet Partner Evaluations
Pet Partner evaluations were a grand success. Met lot's of dogs and their handlers. Thanks to the St. Luke's Pet Pals for volunteering and providing us a wonderful evaluation space. We greatly appreciate everyone putting in the time and effort to make this another spectacular weekend.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
He's ORANGE. We welcome Jack (the ORANGE dog) into the Paws & Effect service puppy gang.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Congratulations Paws & Effect!

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